Welcome to the October edition of the Town Council’s newsletter.
Keep Chippy Beautiful: The Big Clean-up!

This is a final reminder to sign up to play your part in enhancing our beautiful town. The Keep Chippy Beautiful team, led by Chipping Norton Town Council, has organised a ‘Big Clean-Up’ litter pick event. It’s happening on Saturday, October 7th, from 10 am to Midday, starting at Withers Court on the High Street. More information and link to sign up to the event below.

Cemetery Clean-up Day
The next Cemetery Clean-up day will be held on Saturday 14th October, 9:30am at Worcester Road Cemetery. Please bring gloves and small hand tools. All welcome. Refreshments will be provided.

Flag-flying at the Millennium Garden
On Tuesday 24th October, United Nations Day: The United Nations Flag

Christmas Lights 2023
We are delighted that due to updated infrastructure and professional installation, we are able to host a Christmas Lights Switch-on event for Chipping Norton. We’re planning a lantern parade, big sing-a-long and much more. Please join us at 6pm on Thursday 23rd November for this festive event.

We’re looking for someone special to help the Town Mayor open the event. Could you be our ‘Young Christmas Cracker Joker 2023’? More details below:

Calling Chipping Norton Skateboard Users

Chipping Norton Town Council are a step closer to being able to deliver a skatepark in Chipping Norton. To ensure that this process is as meaningful as possible, and the final design and installation meets the needs of the wheeled sports community in the town, it is vital that a local skatepark users group is formed.
If you are a keen skateboarder or wheeled sports user and live in the town and any or all of the following apply to you please do get in touch:
Do you have leadership skills and are willing to help consult with the community to make sure that the Chipping Norton skatepark is the best it can be? Would you be willing to lead workshops and events at the skatepark once it is installed? If so please do get in touch with us by contacting the Town Clerk and CEO on townclerk@chippingnorton-tc.gov.uk
Refreshing The Town’s Traditional Street Signs
Chipping Norton’s much loved old street signs have been in need of some tlc for many years. West Oxfordshire District Council no longer produce these iron signs, and therefore if replaced they would be the updated name plates. Therefore, with WODC’s blessing, we have started a programme of stripping and re-painting the signs. Our maintenance operative has dedicated time and expertise on the first few signs, and will continue to replace and renew over the coming months.

An Introduction to Councillor Mike Cahill
We will use this space to introduce your new town councillors. This month we asked Mike Cahill to tell us a little bit about himself and his role of local Councillor.

During my four years as a District Councillor, I valued working with members of the Town Council, so I am very pleased to be able to continue to do so.
My motivation continues to be summed up in the words:
TOGETHER let’s make Chippy and even better place to live for everyone!
The ‘everyone’ is key, that’s why some of us have continued the work of checking that people are ok that we started during lockdown and upped a gear as the Cost of Living Crisis started to bite. Supporting the community hub that is Chippy Larder is a very important aspect of this.
Supporting retailers, alongside long-time friend and now fellow councillor Sharon Wheaton, is essential if we want a vibrant and welcoming Town Centre.
As a long time climate activist I want us to do everything we can to persuade others, by our example as a Council as well as individuals, that we can contribute to improving the situation.
As a former keen cyclist and walker (now reduced to a brisk limp!) I am glad to support initiatives that promote out town as a safe cycling and walking centre.
Others have described me as recognisable, approachable, a listener and a doer – I hope to continue to merit all of these!
You can contact staff and Councillors here:
Get involved
Do you have skills or experience that might be useful in our discussions about the ECN development? Or just feel that you would like to contribute? To join the Build Chippy Better group, please contact Katherine on: deputyclerk@chippingnorton-tc.gov.uk
As part of our work in securing a Local Cycling/Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Chipping Norton, we’re very keen to hear from people with disabilities or mobility difficulties about the areas of the town that are particularly difficult for them to navigate. Again, please contact Katherine on: deputyclerk@chippingnorton-tc.gov.uk with your views.
Dates for your diary
- 7th Oct, 10am in Withers Court – Town litter pick
- 7th Oct, 12pm-5pm in the Upper Hall – Royal Air Force Air Cadet, Chipping Norton 135 Squadron Autumn Festival
- 9th Oct, 6:30-8:30pm in the Council Chamber- Full Council meeting, Chipping Norton Town Council
- 11th Oct, 10am-Noon in the Old Mill – Cllr Drop In session
- 14th Oct, 9:30am at Worcester Road Cemetery – Cemetery Clean Up day
- 17th Oct, 10-11:30am at Chippy Theatre – Parent Mental Health Support Group, Free Tickets Here
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