Home Town Council Councillors Natasha Whitmill

Natasha Whitmill

My family moved to Chippy over 20 years ago while I was finishing school. I went on to study politics at the University of Nottingham and used to come home in the holidays and work behind the bar at Stones (now Bitter & Twisted)!

I moved away for a bit to discover the bright lights of London and worked in Parliament. We came back to West Oxfordshire when we decided to have a family and have lived in Chippy for over 13 years now.  Alongside my husband, we run a catering company in the town and our two boys go to Chipping Norton School.  

While it’s certainly grown in size, a number of issues which face our town today were the same as I remember over 20 years ago:

– HGVs tearing through the centre

– Lack of housing 

– Not enough activities/facilities to engage our young people It’s the last issue which inspired me to stand for Town Council. Having been a young person living in Chipping Norton and now a mum of young people growing up here, I can honestly say that we do not have good enough resources for them. That’s why I am committed to doing what I can to help the brilliant Chipping Norton Skatepark Group and our Town Council in their mission to get this long-awaited and much-wanted amenity built! If you would like to join us on the journey please get in touch

27 May 2021
Last Updated
14 May 2024