
The Chipping Norton Town Council’s Grants to Voluntary Bodies Scheme is open to organisations that serve the Chipping Norton area. The scheme aims to fund projects that address the needs, aspirations, and issues of the people in our community. The Town Council invites local charitable and community organisations who are working for the benefit of the people of Chipping Norton to apply for funding to support projects.

Local not-for-profit organisations who have a constitution and a bank account with two signatories are welcome to apply. If you think this may be a good fit for your organisation, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Please apply if your project can demonstrate:

  • Improved physical, mental, emotional health, and environmental or economic outcomes
  • And direct positive impact for Chipping Norton residents

Applications that fit the desired outcomes of the funding and support CNTC’s ambitions above, will be assessed by the Finance and Resources Committee. Grant requests will be considered biannually at the following meetings:

  • Monday 8th July 2024
  • Monday 3rd February 2025

All applications will need to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the meeting to be considered.

Applications for consideration at the second round of grant funding are required to be submitted before the deadline of 5pm on the 24th June 2024. Should you have any questions please contact Katherine at or call the office on 01608 642 341.

Previously Awarded Grants

Latest Grants News

27 May 2021
Last Updated
30 May 2024