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Town Festival & The Queens Birthday Celebrations!!!
Town Council Election Results
Nova Jane BRADLEY Elected as Town Councillor Labour Party 855 http://www.westoxon.gov.uk/media/1407146/Town-and-Parish-council-election-results-May-2016.pdf    
Town Festival 12th June 2016
Made Version of the Neighbourhood Plan
The made version of the Chipping Norton Neighbourhood Plan may be downloaded by clicking here
Allotments Available to Rent
Allotments are available to rent at the William Fowler Allotments, Burford Road. If anyone is interested please contact…
The Mayor’s Latest News December 2015
As the festive season is upon us and as the year draws to a close I thought I…
DEADLINE approaching for Chipping Norton Sports Awards Ceremony 2016
Chipping Norton Sports Awards 2016 The Town Council wishes to receive nominations for local sports and Olympic legacy…
Basic Conditions Statement – version 2 with amended policies
The Basic Conditions Statement accompanying the Chipping Norton Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2031. This second version includes post-examination amendments and…
We have had some problems with this blog especially when it comes to accessibility from tablets - we…
Grants to Voluntary Bodies Minutes – 5th October 2015
A meeting of the Grants to Voluntary Bodies Committee was held on Monday 5th October 2015 at 7.30pm…
Intermediate Care Provision in North Oxfordshire
Have your say on Intermediate Care Provision Download here  
The Towns Christmas Trees! Volunteers needed!
Yes, it’s that time of the year when I am looking for volunteers to put the lights on…