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Notice Board

Notice of conclusion of Annual Audit – 2018
Download doc 1 here Download doc 2 here Download doc 3 here Download doc 4 here  
Grants to Voluntary Bodies – Deadline 25th September 2018
If you would like to apply for a grant please email cntc@btconnect.com for an application form.
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Accounts
To download a copy please click on the copies below copy1 copy2 copy3 copy4 copy5
Organisations/Clubs Open Day – 2nd June 2018
Come along and see what your local Clubs/Organisations have to offer. Download poster here
Casino Mayorale – 21st April 2018
Download poster here
Allotments available to rent
Download here
Painting Exhibition – 26th May 2018
Painting the Plateau An exhibition of paintings of Tibetan regional dress Come to a unique exhibition celebrating the…
Local GP practices – Have your say!!
Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Locality Plans across Oxfordshire You've been invited to participate in Locality Plans across Oxfordshire…
The Town's Christmas trees will be taken down on Sunday 7th January 2018 commencing at 9.00 am If…
Sports Awards – Nominations now closed
Sports Awards Poster - 2018 nomination form - 2018  
Christmas in Chippy – 8th December 2017
Join the discussion to help shape GP services
Tuesday 14th November 2017 7.30pm - 9.00pm Town Hall, C/N OCCG_Help_Shape_Poster 14 Nov 17 landscape