In 1892 a 23.5 acre field called the Picked Close or Long Ground was given to the town of Chipping Norton by former resident Mr William Fowler, then living in South Australia. The field was to be let as working men’s allotments but are now for use by anyone resident in Chipping Norton and on the electoral roll.
The allotments are located along Burford Road, close to Chipping Norton School and the Leisure Centre, and have a vibrant, thriving community. There is a Plot Buddies scheme to help new allotment holders, an allotment competition is held annually every summer, and community groups such as the Green Gym take part in events in the allotments and the adjoining Memorial Wood.
The William Fowler Memorial Wood was established in 2001 and planted with trees, mainly native broadleaf species, to create “a community wood for the townspeople to walk in and enjoy.” It is accessed through Glyme Lane at the back of the allotments and is a well-used area of Chipping Norton for dog-walkers, and is a beautiful area to spend an afternoon. The Memorial Wood is now home to a variety of wildflowers including rare pyramidal orchids.

Allotments Available to Rent
Allotments are available in Full or Half-Size plots, and help is available for those wishing to start an allotment for the first time. We know that starting an allotment for the first time may seem intimidating, so we have recently launched a Plot Buddies Scheme to help new allotment holders learn the ropes. If interested in this scheme, you would be matched up with a neighbouring Plot Buddy who would be able to guide you in the right direction and give you friendly advice about getting your allotment off the ground.
Please note that you need to be on the register of electors for Chipping Norton to be entitled to take an allotment on.
The cost is £10.00 per annum or if a pensioner the cost is £5.00 per annum.
We currently have a short waiting list to take on an allotment. Should you wish to join the list, please fill out your details below:
The William Fowler Allotment Trust
The William Fowler Allotments are managed by The William Fowler Allotment Charitable Trust. Chipping Norton Town Council is the Corporate Trustee of the Charity and therefore all elected members are Trustees.
The Trust has a sub-committee, which comprises of Trustees and Allotment holders. Allotment holder representatives are elected onto the Committee by other allotment holders for a term of three years. The purpose of the sub-committee is to ensure that allotment holders ideas, concerns and voices are heard, and that management of duties such as inspections and allotment competitions are carried out.
Creating Accessible Plots at WF Allotments
The William Fowler Allotment Trust is undertaking a scoping exercise to determine if there is a desire to create accessible plots at the allotments. These potential plots may take several forms, based on community feedback, to provide access for those with limited mobility or for those who might have trouble navigating the site.
Please add your feedback to the survey below: