Home News Council News Covid19 – local Information Update

Covid19 – local Information Update

COVID-19 Support for those living in Chipping Norton

The situation around Covid-19 is rapidly evolving. This list of support was compiled on Wednesday 25th March.

For advice from our local surgery please follow this link: https://www.chippingnortonhealthcentre.nhs.uk/
Phone lines are busy so please look for information on their website before calling.

Advice is also available from NHS 111. Again it is faster to use the internet than the phone. https://111.nhs.uk/service/COVID-19 or dial 111

General advice is also available here:


Our supermarkets are open and some have reserved times for more vulnerable shoppers.

• General opening 7am-8pm Mon-Sat
• NHS Staff with ID Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6.30-7am
• Protected shopping for elderly etc 9.30-10.30 Mon-Sat
• Ask in store for deliveries

• 8am-8pm Mon-Sat
• NHS, Social care workers with ID 7.30-8am Mon- Sat
• Elderly, carers, disabled 8-9am Mon, Weds, Fri
• Priority deliveries for elderly

• 8am-8pm Mon-Sat
• No information on protected shopping
• Ask in store for deliveries

Marks and Spencers:
• 8am-9pm Mon-Sat
• 8am-9am Mon, Thurs Protected shopping for over 70s and vulnerable shoppers
• 8-9am Tues, Fri Protected shopping for NHS Staff with ID

Sunday Opening: All 10.00-4.00

Some of our independent shops are taking orders over the phone or via email and making deliveries. Please look them up and support our local businesses.

Many streets are organising shopping and other support for those who can’t get out. Please observe the social distancing guidelines when shopping for others. Obviously individuals need to work out a way to pay for shopping- PayPal have a service called Friends and Family which is free to use and only requires email your email address once set up. This is safer than handling cash as it requires less human contact- but does require an element of trust.


This web site gives links to local support groups that have registered:

Age Concern in Chipping Norton are offering a service to help the community at this challenging time. Please contact the centre on 01608 643320 or email highlandschippingnorton@gmail.com if you or someone you know of is in need of support.

There are also various support groups on Facebook including this one: Chipping Norton and surrounding villages Covid 19 Community Support

Food distribution services

The following groups are offering food for those in need at this time:

Mary’s Meals: meals from the freezer; supermarket frozen meals donated by local people. These will be distributed outside the old Nat West Bank now known as The Branch every Friday 3.00-4.30pm.

Community Larder: pre-packed boxes containing a selection of packaged food, bread, fruit and vegetables supplied by SOFEA who rescue good food that might otherwise go to landfill due. Our distribution point is with Mary’s Meals outside the old Nat West Bank now known as The Branch every Friday 3.00-4.30pm. Those wanting a box need to email thechippylarder@gmail.com . There is normally a small monthly charge for this service to cover administration but this has been temporarily suspended. There will be a delivery service on Saturday morning for those who can’t leave the house.

Food Bank: The Food Bank operates from the Baptist Church. Vouchers for boxes are distributed by local agencies.

All services will be operating under social distancing criteria and it is possible that police will attend. Please act responsibly when collecting parcels so these services can continue. Treat volunteers with respect and kindness.

To support these services:

• consider donating to St Mary’s Church. Donations can be ring fenced for community support. https://www.stmaryscnorton.com/
• donate to the food bank via donation point in Co-op
• Visit this site about SOFEA and the Community Larder https://www.sofea.uk.com/. They need financial support via Just Giving and volunteers

25 March 2020
Last Updated
12 October 2023