Home Events Flag flying Flag flying: The Royal British Legion Flag -28 October 2023

Flag flying: The Royal British Legion Flag -28 October 2023

10:00 am 28 October 2023
11:59 pm 28 October 2023
Chipping Norton Royal British Legion  will be flying the flag on 28th October to mark the start of this year's poppy appeal

The Royal British Legion logo, with the poppy at its heart, has been specially drawn. It is made up of two elements, the symbol and logotype. These fundamental elements must never be separated

A logotype with a story Our bespoke logotype is inspired by ‘The Grave of the Unknown Warrior’ found at the west end of the Nave of Westminster Abbey. His body was brought from France and buried on 11th November 1920. Its inscription, composed by Herbert Ryle (Dean of Westminster), is a fine example of an English Egyptian font. Using this inspiration, our logotype is designed as a symbol of Remembrance. 

An enduring symbol Since 1921, the red poppy has been a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Poppies are worn in recognition of the Armed Forces community; those currently serving and ex-serving personnel and their families.
12 October 2023
Last Updated
12 October 2023
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