Welcome to the September edition of the Town Council’s newsletter.
Keep Chippy Beautiful: The Big Clean-up!

Chipping Norton is gearing up for a positive transformation – and we want you to play a part! The Keep Chippy Beautiful team, led by Chipping Norton Town Council, is excited to announce the ‘Big Clean-Up’ litter pick event. It’s happening on Saturday, October 7th, from 10 am to Midday, starting at Withers Court on the High Street.
Have you ever thought that our town’s beauty could shine even brighter? Well, here’s our chance to make it happen. Keep Chippy Beautiful is a special effort to make our town cleaner and more beautiful. The ‘Big Clean-Up’ is the first step toward achieving this goal.
Here’s the exciting news: our ‘Big Clean-Up’ event is teaming up with the Midcounties Co-op. This collaboration means we’re working together to create an even more positive impact on our town, and we’re delighted to have their support.

Cllr Steve Akers introduced the idea at the Annual Town Meeting, and it received universal support. Cllr Akers is delighted, adding “Now we are really beginning to turn that support into concrete action. I hope the ‘Big Clean Up’ will be the first of many ongoing events to help clean up Chippy for everyone!!!’ I am so grateful to all who are volunteering to take part!”
Loraine Haywood, a resident who has joined the organising team shares “I moved to Chippy two years ago and absolutely love the town. However, I’m saddened with the unnecessary litter that I see which spoils what is otherwise a beautiful town. We need to take more pride and personal responsibility and I am looking forward to being part of this special group of Chippy lovers A long-term aim must be to encourage everyone to take care of their own patch.”
Read more and sign up to join the event here:
Cotswold Crescent Play Area

The new equipment at Cotswold Crescent play area was installed at the end of July, just in time for the summer holidays. We’ve been delighted to receive positive feedback from people using the site. On Monday 21st August the Oxfordshire Play Association held a play day at the park.
The Council’s Community Committee will be looking at some seating options to further enhance the site at the next meeting.
Flag-flying at the Millennium Garden
On Monday 21st August the Council flew the RAF Ensign to commemorate the air crash that took place over Chipping Norton on 21st August 1942 . We were joined by members of the Chipping Norton Royal British Legion and RAF Cadets.

We will be flying the following flag in October
- 24th October, United Nations Day: The United Nations Flag
New Bench for the Millennium Garden
You will now find a beautiful new curved style bench in the Millennium Garden. This is designed for families and groups to be able to sit together and enjoy this lovely green space in the heart of our town.

A Skatepark for Chipping Norton

In May, a group of young people from Chipping Norton Secondary School addressed the Council’s Community Committee urging the Council to support their proposal for a skatepark to be installed in Chipping Norton. The Committee fully supported the idea, and promised that work would start on taking professional advice about where the ideal location would be, and where funding can be obtained. The Town Clerk also suggested that the group may wish the launch a petition to help support future grant applications. This petition has received over 500 signatures to date.
In June the Council held a pop-up skatepark at New Street Rec as part of the picnic in the park for the King’s Coronation. Hundreds of children and young adults took part, and it really helped shore up the proposal that this is something that would very much be valued by the community.
After taking advice form Skateboard GB and other industry leaders, it was clear that the most suitable location would be at the New Street Recreation Area. A meeting with the Chipping Norton Regulated Pastures Trustees (Field Reeves) which was very positive. The next steps will be for the Council undertake community consultation and identify local skateboard and wheeled sports users who can help draw up the design principles to ensure it meets the needs of local users.
These design principles will help inform the tender process to identify a preferred contractor. The final specification will include a planting scheme to ensure the skatepark is in keeping with the beautiful surroundings.
Once a costed design is in place the Council will then be able apply for grant funding to support the project. The consultation, petition and evidence from the pop-up skatepark will also be meaningful supporting documents.
Meet our newest member of staff

We recently recruited a venue assistant to help manage the Town Hall. Many of you will know Steve Kingsford through his role with the Chipping Norton Royal British Legion. We’re delighted he has joined the team.
Steve says “I am delighted to be part of the Town Hall Team, supporting Tania and Terry. Whilst I live in the far-off village of Tadmarton, Chipping Norton has become a second home to me. I was collared by the late Mike Howes in the Town Hall back in 2011 whilst drinking beer after Remembrance Sunday and made to join the Chipping Norton Branch of the Royal British. I have been Chairman for 8 years and I have been privileged to help the Armed Forces Community in the town, honour its war dead and meet so many incredible people. I am looking forward to using the skills garnered in a long and varied working life, on the railways, farming, pub management, as an artist and a charity fundraiser to name but a few, to help make the Town Hall a successful venue for a variety of events. I hope I can give something back to the town that has played an integral part of my life for 12 years and help this marvellous old building to be a great asset to the community.“
You can contact staff and Councillors here:
Get involved
Do you have skills or experience that might be useful in our discussions about the ECN development? Or just feel that you would like to contribute? To join the Build Chippy Better group, please contact Katherine on: deputyclerk@chippingnorton-tc.gov.uk
As part of our work in securing a Local Cycling/Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Chipping Norton, we’re very keen to hear from people with disabilities or mobility difficulties about the areas of the town that are particularly difficult for them to navigate. Again, please contact Katherine on: deputyclerk@chippingnorton-tc.gov.uk with your views.
Dates for your diary
- 4th Sept, 6:30pm in Council Chamber – William Fowler Allotments Trust meeting
- 9th Sept, Upper Hall – Fab4 Beatle Tribute Band: TICKETS
- 11th Sept, 6:30pm in Council Chamber – Community Committee meeting
- 13th Sept, 1am-Noon in the Old Mill – Cllr Drop In session
- 14th-16th Sept, Chippy Mop Fair
- 18th Sept, 6:30pm in Council Chamber – Strategic Planning Committee meeting
- 24th Sept, Noon in Community Orchard – Apple Day
- 25th Sept, 6:30pm in Council Chamber – Finance and Resources Committee meeting
- 28th Sept, 6:30pm Online – Traffic Advisory Sub-Committee meeting
- 30th Sept, Upper Hall – Club Night: TICKETS
- 7th Oct, 10am in Withers Court – Town litter pick
- 11th Oct, 10am-Noon in the Old Mill – Cllr Drop In session
- 14th Oct, 9:30am at Worcester Road Cemetery – Cemetery Clean Up day
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