West Oxfordshire District Council has launched a public consultation to help shape the development of the new West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2041.
The consultation runs until 25 October 2023 and is focused on 3 particular elements:
Draft local plan objectives – a series of draft objectives which are intended to guide the future evolution of the plan in terms of its overall approach and anticipated policy content;
The future pattern of development in West Oxfordshire – different scenarios for how and where we might look to focus future growth in the period up to 2041;
Call for sites, ideas and opportunities – an open invitation for stakeholders to put forward their thoughts on how land in the District might be used in the future such as new housing, employment, infrastructure, community use, green space, nature recovery and renewable energy.
The feedback received will then be used to inform a series of preferred policy approaches which will be the subject of further consultation in due course.
You can have your say using the online digital platform: https://yourvoice.westoxon.gov.uk/en-GB/
Alternatively, written comments can also be submitted as follows:
- Email: planning.consultation@westoxon.gov.uk
- Write to: Planning Policy Team, Woodgreen, New Yatt Road, Witney, OX28 1NB
Hard copies of the consultation material are available in The Guildhall, Chipping Norton.
As part of the consultation WODC are running a number of public events including a drop-in public exhibition at Glyme Hall, Chipping Norton on Monday 23 October. The session will run from 4pm – 8pm.
Chipping Norton Town Council formulated a comprehensive response to the consultation at the meeting of Full Council on Monday 9th October. The full response can be viewed here: