Home News Latest News What will Oxfordshire look like in 2050?

What will Oxfordshire look like in 2050?

Cllr James Mills will join CPRE to discuss, Monday 29th October, The Town Hall, Chipping Norton


CPRE Oxfordshire is hosting this public event to raise awareness of the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan (JSSP) and to encourage our decision makers to engage with local communities.
Cllr James Mills, Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, will be joining CPRE Oxfordshire to discuss the JSSP on Monday the 29th October, 7-9pm at The Town Hall, Chipping Norton.
Oxfordshire’s six local councils have agreed to work together to produce a Joint Statutory Spatial Plan or JSSP. The plan will look at the County’s growth in a co-ordinated, long-term way and put an end to speculative development. It gives an opportunity to plan for the development we need across the whole canvas of the County rather than in a fragmented way through unsynchronised Local Plans.
It will be one of the first such plans to come forward across England, so the pressure is on to ensure it takes adequate account of our natural environment. The intention is to have the plan submitted by March 2020.
The meeting will take place in the Lower Hall, The Town Hall, Market Place, Chipping Norton, OX7 5NA

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5 October 2018
Last Updated
12 October 2023
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